Tuesday, May 5, 2009

post #3

I think I was growing up in the middle class family. My parents were never rich, but we were never very poor either. Social position was very important for people I was living among. In my opinion being a member of any social class depends on financial status. There are rich people, poor people and representatives of middle class, who have regular jobs and do not have bigger financial problems, but still do not wallow in luxury. I think that social class somebody comes from is important in every community. People are always more willing to make a friendship with someone with high status as lawyers or doctors, because at some point they are more powerful and rich of course. They represent middle class or rich class, in the most people's eyes they are a little bit higher than representatives of "working class", who usually work physically for low wages.


  1. Interesting post. Do you think that, aside from being middle class the *idea* of being middle class was also important to you growing up?

  2. I think it was important to me too. All the people around me were growing up on this idea, so I was too.
